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How to Write a Roof Inspection Plan

KNOW WHAT TO DO BEFORE YOU GET ON YOUR ROOF, HAVE A PLAN! The first step for anyone that wants to extend the life of their roof is to write down a roof inspection plan. By performing regular effective roof inspections, you can prevent premature failure and minimize the size of repairs required. Detecting any … Read more

Executing Your Plan for Roof Inspections

HOW CAN YOU MAKE SURE YOU STICK TO YOUR PLAN? The most important part of a roof inspection plan is execution. Writing down a plan doesn’t help you detect issues with your roof before they are out of control, but getting up on your roof and carrying out your inspection plan do. It can be … Read more

What to Expect From Your Roof Inspections

DON’T GET ON YOUR ROOF AND WAIT TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS, KNOW WHAT YOU ARE LOOKING FOR BEFOREHAND! As you prepare to get up on your roof and perform your inspection, you have to start asking yourself what you plan to find and what you should be looking for. Once you’ve written your inspection plan, … Read more

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