(812) 206-7700

Quick Service is Good Service


We all know how this goes; sometimes you have a project that simply MUST be done by a certain time. These are called deadlines, and they are very real and can be stressful. Deadlines can exist in many different forms, whether they were imposed on you by an outside entity or whether you set them yourself. Either way, they must be met.

We Meet Our Deadlines

Sure, no one is perfect and we have missed deadlines before, but in almost every case, we meet the deadlines that are given to us, as long as it is in our power. A job with additional steps added in after we’ve started or incomplete information given at the bidding may require extra work, but we still strive to meet the deadlines as given to us by our customers.

Deadlines are a real source of stress when it comes to something like submitting a report for the quarter, but they are even more real when they involve having a giant hole over your building because the roof is being worked on. You can’t have someone come in and complete half your roof, then take a week to work on another job; that simply won’t work. We know this, and that’s why we are so focused on getting the job finished in a timely manner.

Our crew remains connected no matter where they are.
Our crew remains connected no matter where they are.

Peace of Mind

Our crews have laptops in the truck and are equipped with internet access, meaning wherever they are on the road, they can be contacted with critical information for your job. If there are any changes or hiccups, we can quickly relay the news to our guys and make sure you are taken care of.


A job completed quickly and correctly is a huge blessing to building owners and the occupants of the building. Let us blow you away with our customer service on your next roofing project.

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