(812) 206-7700



Located in the western portion of Clark County, Indiana, the school district manages two complexes on the same property. Henryville Elementary houses approximately 700 students and is located on the left portion of the school building. Henryville Junior and Senior High accommodates 550 students and is directly adjacent to the elementary school.


On Friday, March 2, 2012, the Midwest portion of the United States was under a severe weather watch. Southern Indiana and Louisville were under a tornado warning for several hours. Students from Henryville schools were dismissed 20 minutes earlier than their normal dismissal time due to the severe weather watch. Shortly after the students’ dismissal, a tornado of 170 miles per hour nearly demolished the entire school complex. There was roof damage, structural steel damage, drywall damage, brick damage, and doors and windows blown out. Since the two distinct buildings were a combination of various roofing materials of varying ages, all roofing needed to be removed and replaced.


The damage was so extensive that multiple teams of construction crews, including Insulated Roofing Contractors, needed to work simultaneously to get the job done more efficiently. But, no work could be started on the interior of the buildings until the roof had been totally removed and replaced. This gave IRC a strict deadline to have the roof completed so more work could be continued on the building.

In addition, demolition and reconstruction had to occur quickly to establish some normalcy in the community. The goal was to temporarily house the students in different locations, and have the rebuilt school completed by the start of the 2012-2013 school year.

Tornado damage to the Henryville school buildings was extensive, with entire portions of the buildings demolished. The tedious process of removing damaged sections and rebuilding occurred around the clock. Within 6 months the entire structure had been rebuilt for the start of the next school year. The new roofing system takes advantage of cutting edge technology and is now sustainable and energy efficient.


To get the job done before the next school year and meet the deadline, IRC had to:

  • Remove all of the remaining roof materials.
  • Remove the entire poured gypsum roof deck.
  • Install new 22 gauge metal roof deck.
  • Install new insulation board.
  • Install a new Progressive Materials SPF roof system consisting of 1.5 inches of the SF 4228 spray foam and 25 mils of the LS 2200 Series silicone coating.


The new roofing system installed at the Henryville schools offer these superior long-term benefits not realized by their prior roof system:

  • Enhanced resistance to wind and hail.
  • Seamless waterproof barrier.
  • Highest R-value insulation available.
  • Reduced heat-island effect.
  • Eco-friendly renewable surface.
  • Very low maintenance.

The fast work and dedication of IRC allowed the community to quickly rebuild the Henryville school complex. The school district can rest assured with the Insulated Roofing Contractors 20 year full system warranty.

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