(812) 206-7700

Get Your Contractor Familiar with Your Roof


We encourage our customers to, once the contractor has proven their integrity, partner with their roofing contractor in order to receive better service in a more timely manner at a better price. Relationships are everything, and that is no different with your contractor. As we mentioned in this post, there are several benefits of partnering closely with your roofing contractor. Perhaps one of the most important benefits is that the contractor will gain a very intimate understanding of your roof over time, and will therefore be able to make better decisions in your best interest regarding your roof.

A roofing contractor who is familiar with their roof can draw on past experience when making decisions and recommendations for your roof.
A roofing contractor who is familiar with their roof can draw on past experience when making decisions and recommendations for your roof.

Time on the Roof Matters

By spending more and more time on your roof, your roofing contractor will learn how you like to solve problems, how you like the roof to look, how much you’re generally willing to spend on overages, etc. A contractor who gets on your roof for the first time and has to make repairs will have a question for you every 15 minutes as something else comes up. This slows them down and certainly annoys you. By retaining the same contractor and keeping them in the loop in the decision making process, they can learn about you and will start solving some of the more minor problems for you.

Don’t Create More Problems

A roofing contractor who knows the ins and outs of your roof won’t make repairs and changes that jeopardize other parts of the roof. They can recognize how a change in one spot will affect another area, because they know how the roof works. Someone who’s never seen your roof before can really only work based on what they can see right in front of them.


By hiring the same roofing contractor for multiple installs/repairs, you can help that contractor learn about your preferences and your roof features, which should save you time and money in the future.

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