If you own or manage a commercial flat roof, you absolutely must have the roof inspected on a regular basis. Whether the inspection is performed by you, or if you are paying someone else to perform the inspection, it is critical that someone is on the roof looking at it from time to time. So what are the keys to developing a roof inspection plan, sticking to it and carrying it out? Read on to see how you can extend the life of your roof through roof inspections that help prevent premature repairs and failures in your roof due to neglect.

Key Number 1: Make a Plan
The first step you should take in performing a roof inspection has nothing to do with getting on your roof and inspecting it. The first step is to formulate a plan for your inspections and to write it down. You can’t just get on your roof and start looking at things with no goal and no strategy. It is extremely important that before you ever get on your roof, you know where you are going, what you are looking for, how long you expect to spend on the roof, etc. As you plan, develop a roof inspection checklist that you can take up with you on the roof every time you go. This will help you to remember what you are looking for and ensure you don’t miss anything, but it will also help you after the inspection. It may be a couple days before you can really think about the inspection you just performed, so you will want notes from while you were on the roof to remind yourself of what you found.
Think about your plan, write it down, and get it in the hands of the inspector. Whether that is you, a subordinate, or an outside inspector doesn’t matter, as long as whoever is responsible for your roof inspections has the plan and knows what is expected of them.
Key Number 2: Determine the Frequency of Inspections
The next key in performing good roof inspections and therefore extending the life of your roof is to determine how often you will inspect your roof. The general rule of thumb is that you should inspect your roof twice a year, and always inspect after major storms, wind, or other out-of-the-ordinary events. However, if your building is in an area that rarely experiences severe weather, is not surrounding by plants letting off harsh chemicals, or is generally in a favorable environment, you may only need one inspection per year. It is up to you to weight the risk and reward against the cost of frequent of inspections.
Key Number 3: Stick to Your Plan
Finally, you must execute your plan. A plan written down on paper is a good first step, a crucial first step, in fact, but if the plan only exists on paper and is never carried out and executed, your roof is not better off for it. Do whatever it takes to carry out your plan, and make sure that it happens. Your roof is important. Inspecting and taking care of your roof is important, so do it!
Above are three very simple keys that will help you perform proper inspections of your roof. Make a plan that should include some type of roof inspection checklist to keep you focused, determine how often you will need to inspect your roof, and then do it! Don’t stop after planning, execute! That is what will extend the life of your roof.