West Virginia University Coliseum gets an SPF facelift
Often times, here at Insulated Roofing Contractors (IRC), we find ourselves rejuvenating a perfectly functional Spray Polyurethane Foam (SPF) roof simply for cosmetic reasons. In the case of the domed West Virginia University Coliseum, the current SPF was still holding adhesion, offering good thermal insulation, and had proved leak-free for almost 35 years! The UV-Coating however had taken age, grime, and discoloration. The solution was a fresh SPF application. Dome roofs are a different animal when it comes to applying SPF roof systems, and at 174,000 square feet, we were taking on a special challenge. But of course, we accepted with confidence.
After careful analysis of the existing system, and of the expectations for the dome, we proposed an entirely new SPF: BASF ELASTOSPRAY® would be the spray-applied polyurethane foam roofing system and would be followed with a Neogard™ aliphatic urethane UV-resistant coating. This new SPF would provide that added durability and appearance that the University was looking for in their rejuvenation project. Additionally, the aliphatic urethane coating, when applied thickly, would last 15-20 years without renewal or maintenance. It makes for a smooth and sheen surface, with no static electricity to cause particulate attractions from the atmosphere like some other coating systems. All this together makes for an almost self-cleaning surface environment!
The Process
As always, the first step in rejuvenation is to pressure-wash the existing system. This is followed by scarifying the existing coating, deck total removal, and then SPF and coating application. The roof required delicacy when worked on to protect the building’s interior acoustical insulation. And with the slope of the roof, and additional 12-foot-high ribs, the most challenging aspect of the whole project was simply accessing all the areas of the roof’s surface. The SPF’s seamless conformity, though, made working on odd shapes, and completing difficult roofing details, far easier and quicker than most other options!
The Work Environment
We also had to ensure a safe-work environment. We engineered electrically powered platforms that our crew used, and the entire team wore safety lines at all times. We also had to be careful with overspray. To do this, we involved our Environmental Health and Safety Department to monitor the project through completion.
The final product of this project will give West Virginia University long-life expectancy on their roof, with low-maintenance requirements, and several decades of leak-free protection. We provided the desired aesthetic appearance, and worked environmentally responsibly. All while using a product that was designed incredibly well for the project at hand. The SPF applied seamlessly and comfortably to the curved dome shape, self-adhering in application.
IRC Gets The Job Done
The project work was also a quick install, so even though we had to schedule around commencements and athletic events and activities, we were able to do so with minimal disruption. Once completed, we had finished well before our deadline. We finalizing the project before even the other coliseum restorations of smaller scopes of work had completed. The university was pleased with the new life given to one of their most noteworthy landmarks.
If you have a challenging roofing design that needs roofing care, or if you need a quick roof inspection, our team here at IRC hope you’ll contact us today!