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IRC Achieves Gold Standard in Safety Excellence

2024 gold highwire safety award

At the core of any industry leader is the relentless pursuit of excellence. At IRC, roofing isn’t just a business; it’s a mission to safeguard lives and properties, and it’s with pride that we announce being awarded the Gold Safety Award by Highwire, affirming our unwavering commitment to the highest safety standards in our work. This award is presented to companies registering a safety score of 85-94% in the Safety Assessment Program. Fewer than 20% of companies in the Highwire program receive this award.

In this comprehensive post, we’ll explore the deep-seated importance of safety to us as a roofing company, our rigorous training protocols, and how this translates to the excellence you can expect when working with IRC.

Safety as a Pillar of Our Professionalism

Safety is non-negotiable, and we embed it into the very fabric of our operations. From the most straightforward consultations to complex installations, we view each service through the lens of securing not only roofs but also the well-being of everyone involved.

Our adherence to stringent safety standards is not just about precaution; it’s about setting the bar high within the industry. We understand the gravity of each project, knowing that a focused approach to safety is integral to our customer promise of unrivaled quality and trustworthiness.

Ensuring Every Team Member is a Safety Steward

Safety isn’t a one-person job; it’s the collective responsibility of every member of our team. We maintain an accredited safety training program, ensuring that every IRC technician is equipped with the latest safety protocols. From utilizing the correct equipment to mastering preemptive risk assessment, our staff embodies the ethos of preparedness for every situation.

This investment in our team’s safety knowledge doesn’t just benefit us; it’s an investment in every project we undertake. We believe that a better-trained team leads to safer job sites and more fulfilled customers. This focus on continuous education doesn’t merely tick compliance boxes; it elevates our entire industry.

Safety at the Heart of the Customer Experience

When you choose IRC, you’re not just seeking a roofing solution. You’re selecting a partner in safety. From the outset, our projects are meticulously planned with safety at the forefront. We collaborate with your team to implement site-specific precautions, tailoring our approach to ensure that your unique safety needs are met.

Our commitment to safety might not always be the most visible aspect of our service, but it’s the backbone of everything we do. We believe that an exemplary safety record is not just a statistic—it’s a testament to the care and attention we pour into each project, large or small.

“I want to make sure that before an individual is ever injured on the job, that we’re looking at [key safety factors like education and training] ahead of time to make sure that we never get to the point that they’re injured.”

Rich Allen, IRC Safety Director

Transparency and Excellence in Safety Reporting

We understand that when it comes to safety, trust is paramount. That’s why we operate with a transparent, open-door policy when it comes to safety reporting. We keep our clients fully informed on all aspects of safety planning and execution, fostering a partnership built on honesty and shared values.

Our detailed safety reports not only provide a post-project overview but also serve as blueprints for continuous improvement. By analyzing our safety practices, we can continually refine our approach, ensuring that with every project, we deliver at a level that exceeds both industry and client expectations.

The Gold Safety Award—A Milestone, Not the Finish Line

While this award from Highwire is a proud achievement, it’s not the end of our pursuit. Instead, it marks a milestone—a testament to the dedication and progress we’ve made towards becoming the safest roofing company in the industry. It’s a recognition that motivates us to push even further, to set new benchmarks and raise the safety stakes for ourselves and our competitors.

We didn’t reach this Gold standard by resting on our laurels. We reached it by reinforcing our processes, investing in our people, and continuously innovating in the field of safety. Our disclosure on achieving this award aims to provide assurance to our clients and serve as a beacon to our industry peers—a beacon that heralds a new era of safety-focused roofing services.

In conclusion, at IRC, safety is not a department; it’s a value that permeates every aspect of our work. From day one, we have strived to be leaders in safety, quality, and service. The Gold Safety Award reaffirms our commitment to these principles and serves as a beacon of the standards we uphold. When you partner with IRC, you’re choosing a team that treats your safety and satisfaction with the utmost seriousness. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to serve you with excellence and integrity.

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